Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Today we began studying poetry during writing time. We have been following the Lucy Calkins Units of Study for Primary Writing. She has one book dedicated to teaching poetry and that was our jumping point for getting started today.

We talked about the way that a poet sees things with their hearts, brains, and imaginations. We talked about the way that their writing is not always real, its sometimes pretend. How poems can rhyme, but not all of them do. We talked about how poetry is a creative way to write. The kids seemed to be pretty excited about starting something new!

As recommended in the book, we set up a "museum" of objects. Ours were an apple, some flowers, a pretend butterfly, and some real grass. The kids were each given a poetry notebook and sent off to make notes using "the eyes of a poet".

I was pretty impressed with the notes that they made. However, this is only the beginning and we are going to continue practicing seeing things with a poet's eye until we are ready to start writing our own poems!

Here are a few cool poetry sites for kids:


Amanda said...

Cute idea! I love Lucy Calkins!

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